2012年12月11日 星期二

In addition the following will be emphasized:

  1. Prohibitions imposed by the Human Reproduction Technology Ordinance on unmarried partnership, sex selection and commercial dealings of gametes or embryos;
  2. The requirement to have written consent from both husband and wife
  3. Treatment procedures;
  4. Possible side effects and risks including mood changes, anxiety, headaches, abdominal bloating or cramps, bleeding, infection,
  5. ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, multiple pregnancy and fetal anomaly.
  6. Other adverse outcomes including failure at various stages of treatment such as failure of ovarian follicular development, egg collection, fertilization, embryo development or implantation and non-survival of rozen-thawed embryos
  7. Costs

Reference: fertility.com.hk/
The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult obstetricians and gynecologists before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

