2012年12月6日 星期四

Before any treatment (2)

Assessment and counselling will take into account the welfare of the child as well as the couple's physical, mental and social well-being, including the following factors:

A.          their commitment to having and bringing up a child or children;
B.          their ability to provide a stable and supportive environment for any child born as a result of treatment;
C.          their medical histories and the medical histories of their families;
D.         their ages and likely future ability to look after or provide for a
E.          child’s need;
F.           their ability to meet the needs of any child or children who may be born as a result of treatment, including the implications of any possible multiple births or disability;
G.         any risk of harm to the child or children who may be born, including the risk of inherited disorders, problems during pregnancy and of neglect or abuse;


The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult obstetricians and gynecologists before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

